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Heavy Metal Detox for Kids

In this post I first go over WHY to detox your children and once I conclude the why I then discuss the many ways on HOW to safely detox your children, including with a safe zeolite products Pure Body Extra & Pure Body.

By Larry Cook

WHY To Detox Your Kids

Detoxifying your children from heavy metals is important because exposure to these substances can have serious, long-term effects on their health and development. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium can accumulate in the body over time and interfere with normal physiological processes. Vaccines, eating fish, maternal mercury (silver fillings, etc.), air pollution, soil, and other sources can and do cause heavy metal toxicity in children. Here are some of the key reasons why detoxifying your children from heavy metals is essential:

1. Neurological Development

  • Brain Development: Children’s brains are still developing, making them particularly vulnerable to neurotoxic effects of heavy metals. Exposure to substances like lead, mercury, or arsenic – as well as aluminum – has been linked to developmental delays, learning disabilities, reduced IQ, attention deficits, and behavioral issues such as hyperactivity.
  • Cognitive Impairment: Heavy metal exposure, particularly during early childhood, can cause lasting damage to cognitive functions like memory, language development, speech ability, and problem-solving skills.
  • Gut Problems: The enteric nervous system (ENS), also known as the “second brain,” is the neural network in the digestive tract that controls digestion and other functions. Heavy metals exposure can alter the composition (abundance, diversity), metabolic activities of gut microbiota and lead to significant damage in intestinal epithelial barrier (leaky gut). Dysbiosis and gut barrier disruption may activate the immune system and lead to metabolic and other disorders, and constipation can also be a result of heavy metal exposure. 

2. Toxicity in Critical Periods

  • Vulnerability: Infants, toddlers and young children are at higher risk because their bodies are still growing and their organs, including the brain, liver, and kidneys, are not as efficient at processing and eliminating toxins as adults. The absorption of heavy metals is more efficient in children than in adults, meaning they accumulate higher levels of toxins relative to their size.
  • MTHFR Gene Mutations: Exposure to toxins and certain heavy metals can impair methylation, especially if there is an MTHFR genetic mutation. Those with a MTHFR gene mutation will have trouble effectively eliminating toxins from the body without additional support. Without additional detoxification support, these stored toxins may impact your child for years, or even a lifetime.
  • Developmental Windows: Exposure to toxins during critical developmental windows (such as in utero, infancy, and early childhood) can have irreversible effects on brain structure and function.

3. Immune System Impact

  • Immune System Dysfunction: Heavy metals can weaken or dysregulate the immune system, leaving children more vulnerable to infections, autoimmune conditions, and inflammatory diseases. Illnesses will last longer and fevers will be higher.
  • Increased Sensitivity to Environmental Toxins: Over time, heavy metal exposure may make children more sensitive to other environmental toxins, increasing the risk of allergies or asthma.

4. Behavioral and Mind Effects

  • Behavioral Problems: Heavy metal toxicity is associated with increased irritability, aggression, mood swings, and anxiety in children. Studies have found correlations between lead exposure and behavioral issues like aggression and impulsivity.
  • Other Disorders: Some studies suggest a potential link between heavy metal exposure and the development of sensory overwhelm (which can result in meltdowns).

5. Long-Term Health Issues

  • Chronic Health Conditions: Prolonged exposure to heavy metals can lead to long-term health problems, such as kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, and liver damage, which can manifest later in life.
  • Cancer Risk: Some heavy metals, including arsenic and cadmium, are known carcinogens. Chronic exposure, even in childhood, may increase the risk of developing cancer later in life.

6. Environmental Exposure

  • Sources of Exposure: Children can be exposed to heavy metals through contaminated water, food, air, soil, and products like toys or cosmetics. In many cases, children may be more likely to ingest contaminated materials (e.g., by putting objects in their mouths, eating contaminated food, or playing in polluted environments).
  • Vaccines: Many vaccines use aluminum as an adjuvant (overstimulate the immune system), while others still use mercury as a preservative and/or have traces of mercury in them.
  • Lead Paint and Soil Contamination: In older homes, lead paint and contaminated soil are significant sources of exposure. Even small amounts of lead can be harmful, especially when children ingest dust or soil particles. Mercury is 500X more toxic than lead.
  • Other Toxins To Consider: Conventional laundry detergent transfers toxins to infants and children via the clothing (try a natural laundry detergent), while food additives like preservatives, food dyes, flavorings, etc. increase the toxic burden in a child (consider eating only organic at home).

7. Detox and Health Repair

  • Natural Detox Pathways: Children’s bodies can naturally detoxify to some degree, but the process is more efficient when the toxic burden is reduced through an organic whole foods diet as well as lifestyle changes like using natural cleaning products and detergents at home.
  • Safe Detox Methods: Safe detox methods (like nutritional supplementation, hydration, and the use of natural zeolite chelating agents) can help children eliminate heavy metals from their bodies, improving their health outcomes.
  • Detoxification as Prevention: By reducing the body’s burden of heavy metals, one can potentially prevent the onset of related health issues. This includes minimizing exposure through diet, environment, and personal care products.
  • Therapeutic Benefits: For children already showing symptoms attributed to heavy metal toxicity, detoxification can be part of a broader therapeutic strategy. This might involve dietary changes, supplements like chlorella or cilantro known for their chelating properties, as well as a daily natural zeolite, and sometimes a medically supervised chelation therapy.

8. Supplements and Therapies:

  • Probiotics: Can support gut health and potentially reduce the absorption of toxins.
  • Chelation Therapy: For severe cases, chelation with drugs like DMSA, EDTA and DMPS might be considered and is offered by Naturopathic Doctors or Integrative Medical Doctors.
  • Activated Charcoal: Used for binding toxins in the digestive tract but must be taken away from other medications or supplements.
  • Zeolite, Bentonite Clay, Psyllium Husk: These can act as binders to help remove metals and other toxins from the digestive system. Natural zeolite is an extremely effective way to rapidly, but safely, remove heavy metals and other poisons from your child.

WHY Conclusion

Detoxifying your children from heavy metals is essential for safeguarding their neurological development, supporting healthy immune function, preventing long-term chronic diseases, and ensuring that they grow up to be healthy, thriving individuals. Early detection and intervention can help reduce the impact of heavy metal toxicity and minimize the risk of irreversible damage.

HOW To Detox Your Kids

Start with Pure Body Extra and Pure Body

Start with Pure Body Extra (PBX) cellular detox & Pure Body (PB) gut detox zeolite detox products. These two products have proven over and over again to help toddlers, children, teens and even adults function better in every possible way, including speech improvement, gut improvement, skin improvement, sleep improvement, immune improvement, and so, so much more. These heavy metal detox products use natural zeolite that exchange negative charged mineral ions with positive charged heavy metal ions that then lock into the zeolite’s cage-like structure rendering the toxins inert, which are then out of the body in 4 to 6 hours.

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CLICK HERE for a $50 discount and free shipping (multiple countries) on your first order when you sign up for a monthly subscription (cancel any timeEASY TO CANCEL), which includes a 20% discount on future orders, and then scroll down this page to view even more parent testimonials.

Additional Ways To Detox Your Children

  1. Aspire Nutrition creates numerous supplements for detoxification with a big focus on improving gut health with probiotic and enzyme supplements. CLICK HERE for their best detox products.
  2. Silica is a mineral that helps to remove aluminum from the body. Aluminum is in vaccines, deodorants and other sources. Fiji water has silica in it, or you can supplement with Silica
  3. Magnesium is an excellent mineral for detoxification and can help remove highly toxic fluoride from the body, as well as heavy metals and other toxins. Giving Epsom salt baths and/or giving magnesium supplements can aid in the detoxification process. Transdermal magnesium can be itchy to the skin, but it is also highly absorbable.  
  4. Vitamin C is very useful in helping the body to not only detoxify, but also to increase immune function. Daily vitamin C supplementation is an excellent way to help the body detoxify. Liposomal vitamin C is fat soluble and can be taken in higher quantities. Vitamin C should be given every day for both immune support and detoxification.
  5. Chlorine Dioxide breaks down heavy metals and parasites in the body and it is an excellent way to help detoxify the body. Purchase Here and learn more at The Universal Antidote
  6. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) helps the liver detoxify and is often used in mercury detox protocols. ALA is an antioxidant, helps to produce glutathione (master detox agent) and helps to make energy.
  7. Activated Charcoal works to eliminate metals and toxins via adsorption, or the chemical reaction where elements bind to a surface. The porous surface of activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive charged toxins and gas to bond with it. Charcoal is so powerful that it’s used as an emergency treatment for removing toxins from the body very quickly. Find activated charcoal here.
  8. EDTA, DMPS & DMSA Chelation IVs are extremely effective at removing heavy metals and toxins from the body and are performed by licensed Naturopathic Doctors or Integrative Medical Doctors. Find either by using Yelp and search for “Nutrient IV,” Vitamin C IV,” or “EDTA IV” to find a practitioner near you. Suggested for older children.
  9. ADDITIONAL DETOX OPTIONS: Other detox options include infrared sauna, vitamin C or NAD+ IVs (see above), milk thistle for the liver, bentonite clay + psyllium husk for the gut, cilantro & chlorella, DMSO, niacin (B3) to expand the capillaries, apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes (support), essential fatty acids (support), and amino acids (support).
  10. Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment oxygenates the entire body which in turn produces rapid healing throughout. Although it’s a costly process, it is also an extremely effective one and if your child is suffering greatly from any health ailment, this is an excellent protocol. Learn More Here.

More PBX & PB Experiences

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Begin Your Child’s Detox!

CLICK HERE to order Pure Body Extra & Pure Body zeolite detox products and save $50 on your first order when you subscribe to a monthly shipment (cancel any time) at a 20% savings over a one time purchase. Try for a few months and see what happens!

Need A Less Expensive Option?

CLICK HERE to get Pure Body Extra for just $10 and free shipping!

HOW Conclusion

Assume your children require heavy metal detoxification and begin immediately, starting with the zeolite detox products above and then adding in the other suggested modalities as you have the resource to do so.


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Tom Hugh
Tom Hugh (@guest_182)
2 months ago

Hello – is there a website that collects the best science backed research on Zeolite?

Jennifer (@guest_189)
1 month ago

How long should a child take the detox (Pure Body and Pure Body Extra)? How do you know when detox has been achieved?

Luis (@guest_192)
15 days ago

Hello. I am new to all of this. I have read alot so far and my baby is due in a few weeks. I have heard about how they make you sign papers because you decide not to vax. How do you deal with this? What is the best thing to do?

Kate Garrity
Kate Garrity (@guest_194)
4 days ago

Have there been any negative reactions reported using this product ?

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