Be Brave and Share Why You Opt Out Of The Vaccination Agenda
Although there has always been a struggle to raise a vaccine free child to one degree or another, a historically defining moment came in 2015 when California Senator Richard Pan launched SB277, a bill that would remove the ability to get an exemption from vaccination – except a medical exemption – in order to attend private or public school. Before SB277 the biggest fight was informing parents that vaccine exemptions exist in 48 states and how to use them.
Today, five states now ban all exemptions except medical exemptions (California, Mississippi, West Virginia, Maine, New York) and getting a medical exemption in these states is nearly impossible as well. In 2019 California passed SB276, which effectively eliminates all medical exemptions – past, present and future. More states will likely follow in the coming years. Before we talk about solutions, let’s go over the three vaccine exemptions since 45 states still allow at least one non-medical exemption.
Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck & Co. Wouldn’t Vaccinate His Son
There are three types of exemptions that allow a child to attend school without being vaccinated: Personal, Religious and Medical.
Philosophical / Personal Belief Exemption
This type of exemption is for individuals who hold conscientious objections to one or more vaccines. Less than half of the U.S. states allow for an exemption to vaccination based on philosophical, personal or conscientiously held beliefs.
Religious Exemption
The religious exemption is intended for people who hold a sincere religious belief opposing vaccination to the extent that if the state forced vaccination, it would be an infringement on their constitutional right to exercise their religious beliefs. A state must have a “compelling State interest” before this right can be taken away. Limiting the spread of serious communicable diseases has been defined as a “compelling State interest” in court cases after the 1905 U.S. Supreme Court decision Jacobson v. Massachusetts affirmed the right of states to mandate smallpox vaccine.
Medical Exemption
All 50 states allow medical exemption to vaccination. In most states, a medical exemption must be written by a medical doctor (M.D.) or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.). Some states also allow other state-designated health care workers to certify that the administration of one or more state mandated vaccines would be detrimental to the health of an individual. However, very few doctors are willing to write a medical exemption, and in California the number of medical exemptions each doctor can write has been limited to just 4 per year without being investigating for possible fraud, and doctors who write medical exemptions are being persecuted and prosecuted by both the government and by the medical board. It is extremely difficult to get a medical exemption in the current climate of hostility towards those who do not vaccinate, mainstream media demonization of doctors who write medical exemptions and the risk of losing a medical license for issuing a medical exemption.
Your State’s Exemption Laws
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has been keeping track of vaccine laws and exemption requirements since 1982 and have up-to-date details on every state and current vaccine law. You can find out about your state’s vaccine exemption law by going to this page on their website:
Securing Your Vaccine Exemption
Review the NVIC exemption information for your particular state and then follow the directions to get your child’s exemption. There are advantages and disadvantages to each vaccine exemption so it’s best to give it some thought as to which one you will seek to obtain.
Asking other parents in a vaccine education group who are in your state and have already filed exemptions, can also help you clarify the steps required to obtain an exemption.
If You Are Unable To Secure An Exemption
Many parents believe that their only choice is to vaccinate their child if they are unable to secure an exemption to attend school. But not only is this not true, it is also a dangerous proposition for the child. There is no test to determine how a child will react to vaccination and the belief that a child can simply be “detoxed” after the fact is misguided at best, and dangerous at worst. Severe harm, and even death, can result from vaccination and a “detox” will not reverse that. If you are in a position where you believe you must vaccinate in order for your child to attend school, there are other options that do not involve risking your child’s life: Homeschooling and moving out of state.
Are Unvaccinated Children A THREAT To Society?!
Michelle Daly
Patricia Finn, Esq.
Richard Jaffe, Esq.
Aaron Siri
Greg Glaser
Many parents have opted to homeschool their children rather than vaccinate in order for them to attend public or private school. In fact, many parents have said they love homeschooling their children! Here are some bullet points about homeschooling:
Vaccines Are NOT Safe: Vaccination Damages 4-Month-Old Baby For Years
Many parents have opted to flee tyranny and to move to a state where they can still choose whether or not to vaccinate their child. Of course, moving is never easy, but moving is assuredly better than raising a vaccine damaged child or burying one killed by vaccines because of tyrannical laws.
What we know is this: the vast majority of vaccine mandate bills originate from Democrats and the vast majority of elected Democrats vote for vaccine mandates while the vast majority of elected Republicans vote against vaccine mandates. Therefore, when deciding where to move to, the most logical decision is to select a state that is a Republican stronghold. To take it a step further, it may be wise to select a Republican stronghold state that still has all three exemptions available.
Many parents have opted to move to Texas or Idaho, though other states are also good selections. South Dakota or Oklahoma may also be good options.
Here are some resources to find a Red state to move to:
Vote Republican
If you vote Democrat it is time to reconsider your voting if you want to maintain bodily autonomy. The Democrats have proven repeatedly that they favor the forced vaccination of the population so please do not move to a Republican held state and vote Democrat. In fact, if you move to a Republican held state the best thing you can do is to get involved and help ensure TRUE Republicans are voted into office. Unfortunately one problem in Red States is that candidates for office run as republicans, and when they get into office, they vote as a democrat. You must PAY attention, or find groups who are paying attention, to how your representatives are voting, in order to maintain your freedoms. But in general, democrats are under extreme pressure to vote party line, and party line is the forced vaccination of the population.
Before 2015 most parents simply did not talk about vaccine status to others because there was really no need to do so. They got their children vaccine exemptions, sent their kiddos to school and that was that – nothing to say or do after that happened. But now that vaccine mandates are being aggressively introduced each year and mainstream media is also very aggressively pushing for vaccine mandates and demonizing anyone who opposes, the topic is now at the forefront of everyone’s mind and conversations about the topic will surely happen.
So, what’s the BEST way to talk about your vaccine status to others? First and foremost, it is imperative that you become educated on the topic. This includes reading books, watching documentaries and of course, reviewing this entire online course! Before going “public” it is in your best interest to have a solid understanding of the topic so you can easily and quickly defend your position to others, including your family and friends. Not everyone will agree with you, but at least you will be able to make articulate arguments instead of just saying because you believe vaccines are unsafe or do not work. Here are some more tips:
Communicating Vaccine Status To:
Parent Concerns and Special Situations
How Dare You Cripple, Maim And Murder The Minds Of Our Children!
Unfortunately, there are times when a child must be vaccinated, by court order for example, or a child was vaccinated without a parent’s consent (at a school, in the hospital, by a spouse/ex-spouse, etc.). Here are some protocols to consider if the child has a mild reaction (see the Vaccine Injury section if a severe reaction occurs):
Heavy Metal Detoxification is critical for their development, behavior, digestion, immune function, IQ, cognitive skills, speaking ability, and so much more. Learn how heavy metals can adversely affect your child, where these toxins come from and how to safely detox your child from heavy metals.